Men's Fellowship
“The Men’s Fellowship (also known as Band of Brothers) is an informal gathering of men who meet together once a month with the goal to encourage one another to walk closely with God and to help each other to be the spiritual leaders, through topical studies, in their homes. For we know that the best legacy we can leave our children is not material wealth or possessions, but a legacy where they follow the footsteps of their fathers, embracing and following the LORD wholeheartedly for the rest of their lives (Joshua 24:15).”
We currently meet once every two weeks, on Saturday mornings.
If you are interested to join, email at admin_info@sacc.org.sg.

Women's Fellowship
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.
To be a vessel of healing and hope for women in SACC, helping one another to discover our true self, becoming women of substance.
Empower sisters to live out their life as women of God. Journey (prayer and support) with sisters through health, emotional and family/ marriage issues.
We have a fellowship gathering once every two months, where we come together and do different activities together, from crafts, to having tea, or having a bible study.
If you are interested, email admin_info@sacc.org.sg